Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Winter Wonderland in Diamond Valley

A lot of kids have stayed home from school to play in the snow with their 4 wheelers and snow mobiles. Yesterday, kids were playing in the neighbors yard with their 4 wheeler and slammed into our brick wall and busted out some bricks. Kids sure have fun!!! They were lucky they didn't get hurt.

Bringing wood to the home front

Well he leaned a pallet up against the wall and brought the 4 wheeler and trailor onto the porch. The wheel burrow just wasn't able to get through the snow

Then he unloaded the trailor

And did he use the pallet to go down, oh no, he went straight off the edge. It was funny to watch. But at least I now have plenty of wood for the day.

They Light Up My Life

Spring has Sprung on the Home Front


The Home Front in the Fall